Saturday, 23 March 2019

VMIT Educational Trust Shimla Himachal Pradesh

VMIT Educational Trust is a registered Trust under a trust registration act. We have been acting in different fields of social development sectors. Just after completing our Three years of registration in 2007, we approached to different government departments as well as to non governmental agencies. In the second half of this financial year i.e. 2009, we are busy with different works. We have just competed 5% sample survey to 166 schools under Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) of district Kangra and Una. During this survey we closely monitored the way through which our educational system is going on. These two districts are development wise backward districts of the state. So we can say this visit provided us the opportunity to work in these areas. We are right now implementing the Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC-2011) with Census Department and Ministry of Rural development. It is second phase of data collection of every house hold regarding their economical background and social status. Under this project we have deployed more then 1000 semi skilled human resources. The data have been collected through using PC tablet. VMIT Educational Trust has been authorized for implementing this census programme in three districts i.e. Kullu, Shimla and Una.  We are also associated with Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA), Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gases, Govt. of India. Under PCRA we organize awareness programmes on “Saving Fuels” in different schools, among the members of youth clubs, Self help groups and farmer’s club. We also take it a part of our save environment activities. We are also working with NABARD for the formation and strengthen of self help groups. As we know that women self help groups have been playing a very big role as far as social upliftment in the state Himachal is concerned. We are also looking it as a great source of income generation. We are also working with CENPAP Advisory Pvt. Ltd. to collect the data for assessment of various trades and courses being used in industrial training Institutions. It was a sample study and we took sis it is of Himachal Pradesh to conduct our study. We have also just completed the assessment project of all round social impact of Village Panchayat Telephone (VPT) with the association of Council for Social Development (CSD), Hyderabad. This project was under the Bharat Nirvana Project and sponsored by Planning Commission, Govt. of India. We are also working as an associating partner of Life insurance Corporation of India (LIC) for promoting micro insurance among poorest of the poor. We are also involved in different Environment protection activities. Some proposals are in last stage of finalization with some of the government departments and independent agencies. Directorate of statistic, Rashtriya Vigyan Parishad Avam Sanchar Parishad (RVPSP), Ministry of Science & Technology GOI, State Bank Of India (SBI), SHARA Kullu, HP sate Council of Science, Technology & Environment, Mountain Forum Himalyas, Shimla Habitat Forum, Development Alternative, New Delhi, SEEDs India are some of them. We have also approached to department of Art, Language and Culture, Govt. of India for some survey activities and a proposal for reviving our cultural activities.

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